Osaka Prefecture Univ.School of SciencePhysical ScienceStaff > Goro OOHATA

[Japanese page]

Associate Professor Dr. Goro OOHATA

Room A-13 2F Room 225
Contact Address TEL +81-72-254-9605 (Direct) / +81-72-252-1161 Ext.4067
FAX +81-72-254-9605
e-mail [email protected] (Add "" at the end of address)
Class (Undergraduate) Experiments in Physics, Exercise: Statistical Mechanics II
Office Hour
Research Area Optical properties of condensed matter
Keyword Optical properties, Photo-excited carrier, Exciton, Semiconductor, Microcavity, Entanglement
Membership of Scientific Society The Physical Society of Japan, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, The Optical Society of America

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