Osaka Prefecture Univ.School of SciencePhysical ScienceStaff > Satoru Noguchi

[Japanese page]

Professor Dr. Satoru Noguchi

Room A-13 2F Room 203
Contact Address TEL +81-72-254-8395 (Direct) / +81-72-252-1161 Ext.4074
FAX +81-72-254-9163 (Support room)
e-mail [email protected]  ( Add "" at the end of address, please. )
Class (Undergraduate) General Physics II, Undergraduate Research Experiment
Class (Graduate) Advanced Lecture:
Office Hour A/N
Research Area Condensed matter physics, Physics under strong magnetic field
Keyword Pulsed high magnetic field, Development of multi-extreme condition, Strongly correlated electron system, Search for new superconductor
Membership of Scientific Society The Physical Society of Japan, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Cryogenics and Superconductivity Society of Japan, The High Magnetic Field Forum of Japan, The Magnetics Society of Japan
General Interest Mt. Kongo, Cycling, Tennis, Go and Shogi, Drinking party
Satoru Noguchi

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